%run _help_reading.pyimport pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/MrGeislinger/victorsothervector/raw/main/''data/reading/all_reading-clean.csv')book_name ="""Animorphs #39: The Hidden"""one_title = one_title_data(df, book_name)one_title_summary = get_summary_by_day(one_title)generate_plot(one_title_summary, book_name);
Figure 1: Reading done for Animorphs #39: The Hidden
Thoughts on Animorphs #39: The Hidden
Yeerks after the morphing cube. A water buffalo gains morphing powers. Like really.
I couldn’t stop chuckling at the ridiculousness
Has to be the weirdest one yet. A water buffalo gains morphing power– it morphs into a human & Visser Three, an Andalite alien. Was laughing & thinking ‘what the hell’ a lot– still looked at animal rights presented by Cassie as narrator
This makes no sense how easy it was for an ant to be able to morph