%run _help_reading.pyimport pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/MrGeislinger/victorsothervector/raw/main/''data/reading/all_reading-clean.csv')book_name ="""Animorphs #35: The Proposal"""one_title = one_title_data(df, book_name)one_title_summary = get_summary_by_day(one_title)generate_plot(one_title_summary, book_name);
Figure 1: Reading done for Animorphs #35: The Proposal
Thoughts on Animorphs #35: The Proposal
Marco’s personal life & personal qualms of his dad getting serious with his girlfriend. The team focuses on discrediting a Yeerk Controller that is an up & coming TV host.
A reminder that they’re also kids even if they have to be in war
The ending really made me laugh thinking that the Animorphs basically annoyed the Yeerk to the point of breaking on camera. It just all seems very silly for something that was such high stakes.
Also, I thought it was interesting to see the book lead into the next one (Visser). Almost all the books end as a standalone so it was interesting to see how this directly tied into the next book.