Animorphs #33: The Illusion

Reading Journey

  • Started: 2024-12-26T21:40:20Z
  • Ended: 2024-12-26T23:17:15Z
  • Total Time Read: 1hrs 2mins 40secs
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(

book_name = """Animorphs #33: The Illusion"""
one_title = one_title_data(df, book_name)
one_title_summary = get_summary_by_day(one_title)
generate_plot(one_title_summary, book_name);
Figure 1: Reading done for Animorphs #33: The Illusion

Thoughts on Animorphs #33: The Illusion


Tobias is purposefully captured by the Yerks to trick them into thinking their anti-morphing ray doesn’t work. We see Tobias hide behind his hawk-self to get through being tortured by a human controller who blurs the line of identity between Yerk and human.

Probably the most the reader experiences so far of torture

You see glimpses of Tobias’ life emphasizing where he fits in between human, hawk, and an Andalite father. It’s getting harder to explain this book to those not familiar with it.

Seeing the blurred lines of Yerk & human controller feels like it’s setting it up to be more key point

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